Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Day 02 | After Days and Days of Research...

After days and days of research and countless visits to quora, coursereport, udacity, teamtreehouse, skillcrush, and other site related to coding education, I think I finally settled on a strategy.

First, the offline coding bootcamp option for me is challenging for me at this point in my life stage - wife and kids. There, of course, great reasons for doing a traditional bootcamp. Namely, the time you spend on coding and learning is incomparable to what you can do online. The social learning aspect is also a big plus in my book. Anytime you go through a challenging course with other people to ask questions, commiserate with, share pain with make that course more digestible - and fun. Lastly, most boot camps try to get you a job.

Which leads me to my decision for a course of action - online.

  1.  I plan to enroll in teamtreehouse because quite simply their videos are more "watchable". There's a cohesion and uniformity to the videos. Udacity and others seem on the less professional side and more on the quirky side.
  2. I plan to enroll in Udacity's "Front End Development" nano degree course. Why? Because they have more success cases of job placement. 
  3. I also plan to use codeacademy because I like the application of principles - i.e. it's actual coding. I like learning through repetition.

I'm waiting for Black Friday to see if any of these sites have any sort of deals.

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